Pamm Millage
Past President of the NZAPH
Professional Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist
Foundation Member the NZAPH.
Honorary life member of the NZAPH
Thanks for checking me out! Here’s a little more about the person I am and my experience.My deepest driver is my love for Mother Earth. I practice integrated psycho-spiritual therapies to empower leadership amongst people who are willing to embody their soul wisdom to be of service; and to promote their own health and higher-level thinking for global systemic transformation. I gained my inaugural training and clinical diploma in hypnotherapy, NLP and transpersonal psychology with the internationally recognised Osmosis School of Hypnotherapy, Auckland, in 1992. I have been practising professionally since that time.
Previous to that in the 80s I was collaborating with an amazing team of change agents; where through in-depth transformational workshops, we combined our skills and donated thousands of hours in support of others’ wellness, inner peace and self-empowerment. Working with several thousand people over this time provided a strong foundation for my healing skills and my own evolutionary journey.
That journey has been bumpy at times; however, as we all experience, the challenges along the way tend to evolve our passion, our compassion and
our unique expression of that.
Ascension Dynamics works under the premise that the same energy that created us is the same energy that heals us.
Learn HOW to raise your own vibrational energy and activate your own Divine Design for transformation; both personally and/or on a larger scale, or like my FB page to keep in touch
I encourage through hypnotherapy, NLP, Heart Math and a combination of related techniques; the integration of body, mind, spirit, emotions and all our etheric bodies for authentic healthy living; and ultimately for the activation of our Divine Design in order to manifest Heaven on Earth.There is a new “WiseVibe”© species of humanity evolving rapidly through global networks – these beautiful souls are practicing higher vibrating thoughts and emotions and are taking the lead in global transformation. Are you one of them?
With blessings and gratitude to a multitude of institutions and inspired teachers I have had the pleasure to work with along the way and who are entering my life every day!